

Specialized Rice Production and Marketing Zones

To overcome the impacts of the imported rice on domestic rice industry, the Agency employs measures of market segmentation to accentuate the characteristics and quality of local produces and brands. Specialized rice production and marketing zones are also launched by combining the farmers, seedling suppliers, and millers together to enlarge the management scale and simultaneously lower the production cost.

The operators of the specialized rice production zones are advised to apply for certificates of CAS Premium Agricultural Produces and the adoption of traceability system for the production records. The pesticide residues are strictly inspected and the whole production and marketing processes are monitored to guarantee the quality and safety of the products. In addition, rice produced in the specialized zones is not subjected to purchase for public storage by the government. Their produces are graded by variety and quality and sold at prices set by the operators to ensure the farmers’ profit.


The characteristies and quality features of the chief superior rice varieties grown in specialized rice production and marketing zones.

(一)台稉2號: 為中晚熟品種,民國78年品種命名推廣後,栽培面積急速增加,並集中於嘉南與花東地區種植,米粒透明度佳,心、腹白少,食味佳。

(1) Taikeng No. 2 The area sown in this middle-late ripening variety increased extremely rapidly after it was named and promoted in 1989. It is chiefly grown in the Jianan and Hualien-Taitung areas, and is noted for its transparent grains, less white core and belly characteristics (chalkiness), and excellent palatability.

(二)台稉9號: 於民國82年命名推廣,具株型佳、不易倒伏、氮肥用量少、產量穩定、稻穀飽滿、米粒晶瑩有光澤,透明度佳,心、腹白少,食味極佳且耐儲存等特性,為目前食味最受到歡迎的良質米之一。

(2) Taikeng No. 9 This variety possesses robust stems and has little tendency to lodge; it requires relatively little nitrogenous fertilizer, and has a consistent yield. The grains are plump, gleaming and lustrous, highly transparent, and have less white core and belly characteristics. This variety offer excellent palatability and holds up well in storage. It is currently considered one of the tastiest popular rice varieties.

(三)台農71號: 民國89年品種命名推廣,為早熟稻,耐寒性佳,米粒外觀優良,屬短粒型,透明度佳,碾米率高,米飯彈性頗佳,具類似芋頭之濃厚香味,烹煮時滿室生香。

(3) Tainung No. 71 This variety was named and promoted in 2000. It is an early-ripening variety, is highly resistant to cold, and has grains with a superior appearance. It is a short-grain variety with highly transparent grains. It has a high milling yield and highly elastic characteristics in cooked rice. It has an intense aroma similar to that of taro, and fills the house with its fragrance when cooked.

(四)高雄139號: 為中晚熟品種,民國64年品種命名推廣,其米質與食味特別優良。穀粒圓短稍大,白米透明度良好,米飯適口性佳、口感香Q滑潤。

(4) Kaohsiung No. 139 This middle-late ripening variety was named and released in 1975. It has exceptional texture and palatability. Its grains are short, round, and somewhat large. The milled rice is highly transparent, and it offers excellent palatabililty and is smooth, firm, and tasty in the mouth.

(五)高雄145號: 民國93年品種命名推廣,為中晚熟品種,產量高、穩定性佳且適應性廣,氮肥利用率高,完整米率高,粒型整齊,米粒外觀晶瑩剔透,心、腹白少,食味品質良好。

(5) Kaohsiung No. 145 This middle-late ripening variety was named and promoted in 2004. It offers a high yield, good stability, and adaptability to a wide range of climate conditions. It has a high nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate, and a high rate of sound grains. The grains are neat in appearance and have a bright luster, with a lower white core and belly rate. Palatability is very good.

(六)台南11號: 目前為稻作栽培面積之第一位,民國93年品種命名推廣,其產量高且穩定,對稻熱病及飛蝨類病蟲害具抗性,屬中等脫粒性。米粒外觀優良,顆粒較大、透明度佳,食用品質優良及耐儲性佳。

(6) Tainan No. 11 This variety, which was named and promoted in 2004, is currently the leader in terms of acreage of cultivation. Apart from a high and consistent yield, it also offers resistance to rice blast and pests such as planthoppers, and is disease-resistant. It has moderate shattering. The grains have a larger size and superior appearance, and are highly transparent. It has excellent palatability and holds up well in storage.

(七)桃園3號: 民國93年品種命名推廣,糙米及白米均具有芋頭香味,經四個月之儲存後,仍然保存香味,穀粒較大,產量高、穩定性佳及適應性廣,外觀及食味品質均良好。

(7) Taoyuan No. 3 This variety was named and promoted in 2004. Both brown and white rice have the aroma of taro, and they still preserve their fragrance after four months in storage. The grains are relatively large. This high-yield variety has good cultivation stability and can adapt to a wide range of climate conditions. The appearance and palatability of the rice are both excellent.

(八)台中秈10號: 民國68年品種命名推廣,屬低直鏈澱粉含量的秈稻品種,佔秈稻栽培總面積的80%以上,具有產量高、米質及食味優良等特性,目前仍為國內秈稻領先品種。

(8) Taichung Sen No. 10 This indica variety, which was named and promoted in 1979, has a low amylose content, and accounts for more than 80% of all indica rice grown in Taiwan by area. It offers high yield and superior texture and palatability. It is currently still the leading indica cultivar in Taiwan.


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